
Twin terror attacks Norway

Norway is such a safe country, a place we have all visited so many times over the past decade.

We have come into contact with hundreds of people and organisations, we can’t believe so many of these people will be affected by the atrocities that have happened last Friday.

It’s only at a time like this that you realise the depth of feeling shared. Our feelings and thoughts are with all of the people of Norway.

No one would have ever thought this could have happened in such a fare and welcoming society.

Many people have different views and beliefs, we all live alongside others that have different outlooks on life to ourselves, but nothing can ever lead to taking life or justify such an outrageous attack. We all have a right to express ourselves in a free society without having to hurt others or even to the extent of taking life away from innocent bystanders.

All of the staff at SecurEnvoy want to forward their thoughts and sympathy at this tragic time to our friends in Norway.

Category: Industry News

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